Holy hell! An Update? Sort of! This audio will be posted along with a video on the new YouTube site, go check it out and subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi5Mlsm3ftsTfZ6ROH5EaoA This teleplay and soundtrack were improvised but sort of autobiographical, thanks for checking it out.
Episode 23 is here! This episode is my interview with Ralph @88Mango Ascencio. Ralph is an incredibly talented painter and custom car builder from Reseda, CA and is responsible for some of the wildest and paint jobs around. In this interview we talk cars, punk rock, custom paint, and a whole lot more, available now on your platform of choice! #metalflake #wildchild #wildchildhos #kustompaint #choptop #traditionalkustom #kandy #bombcitypodcast
Here’s a short video highlighting our trip up to the Norcal Knockout in Josie’s 57 Chevy. We had an awesome time up there, it was a huge honor to be invited into the Hall of Fame, and it was a huge and humbling honor to be awarded Kyle Martin’s Knockout Paint award. Song on the video is Goldfinger’s cover of Nena’s 99 Red Balloons, which again seemed particularly relevant given all the craziness in the world right now.